2014 Goals Update & Nutella Recipe Roundup

Remember that time I said that I had a list of things to do this year? Well this is my first of four quarterly (you're welcome for saying both four AND quarterly) updates on my progress with that. So, here goes.

I have accomplished....

  1. Glam out my Bedroom {in progress!}
  2. Decorate the Munchkins' Room
  3. Tackle my Craft Room Clutter
  4. Sew a Stuffed Toy
  5. Knit Something Fun
  6. Make Homemade Bread
  7. Plant a (Successful) Container Garden


You may now return to your regular scheduled programming.... which, today, is a short and sweet roundup of amazing looking Nutella-centric video recipes. Please make them and send me some, k? K!

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Thank you for your comments! I love reading them all and will reply when I can.
